What People Are Saying

Before talking to Sheri I was stuck in autopilot mode, following everybody else's ideas about college.Ā I didn't actually think about the best route for me.Ā Since then Iā€™ve gained the courage to take time and analyze my own strengths before making any life defining decisions.

Brayden K.

When I met Sheri last year, I struggled with knowing what I wanted in life. I had taken a class about career changes, and the instructor recommended looking into coaching, too. I was hesitant to spend the money and didn't understand how it would help, but I found Sheri and decided to give it a shot. Working with Sheri gave me the support and perspective I needed to make a change.

Josh S.

If you feel stuck in life, especially as it relates to work and how you spend your day to day, invest in sessions with Sheri. She will guide you through the YouMapĀ® framework like a stroll in the park. She makes self-development fun and less of a chore. You may or may not quit your job after finishing theYouMapĀ® assessment, but if there's anything to quit it's to quit putting yourself on the back burner, so book your session with Sheri alreadyĀ and keep living your DASH!

Leanne M.

Working with Sheri made me realize I think too much and desire to bring balance to my work by developing my communication and personal relationship skills. Recognizing this and striving to enhance my communication outwardly is a refreshing step forward and into the second half of my career.

Blane K.